Greater St. Louis Area Scouting - 2020 Virtual STEM Fair

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2020 Virtual STEM Fair

Event Details

Virtual STEM Fair - FREE EVENT
Greater St. Louis Area Council, BSA

Project Deadline- July 17th

Virtual Award Celebration- July 24th via Zoom

Thank you to our sponsors:

Bank of America

Daugherty Business Solutions


Calling all Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers! Conduct your own experiment from home and have it judged by STEM experts in a virtual competition. Please follow the steps below to participate:

1. Register for free. Deadline for registration is July 8th. List all youth participants in the project. Every participant will receive an event patch.

2. Complete your project by working with a parent and/or virtually with a Supernova Mentor. Please see the rules below and attached Guide for more details. 

3. Upload your project to the Dropbox link which will be emailed to all registrants. Please upload a written report and video presentation by July 17th. Save your project as your last name, Pack/Troop/Crew number, and the words "written report" or "video" (ie. "Hines 3122 written report" and "Hines 3122 video"). Use a word document or PDF for the written report.

4. Participate in our virtual Award Celebration on Friday July 24th, from 6pm to 7pm via Zoom. All participants are invited to this virtual event to find out which projects were ranked as "Blue Ribbon" and "Red Ribbon", hear from special guest speakers, and celebrate Scouts' achievements. More details to come!


  • Scouts complete projects from home. At least 1 participant should be a registered Cub Scout, Scout BSA, or Venturer. Participants should only submit 1 project and should practice social distancing. Judging will be separated by Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturing categories.
  • All youth must have completed their Cyber Chip in order to participate. More information on the Cyber Chip can be found here. 
  • Follow all safety protocols. Scouts should work under the supervision of an adult. Parents assume responsibility for the safety of participants involved in the project. Please see page 3 of the attached guide for more details. 
  • Use the scientific process. Projects and experiments should focus on science, technology, engineering, and/or math. All projects should use the scientific method. Refer to the attached guide and judging rubric or the additional resources below for more details/ideas. Consider working with a Supernova Mentor and apply this project/competition to your Supernova Award. 
  • Record your process and findings in your written report and a short, 5-minute video. These must be uploaded by July 17th. 

Additional Details and Resources:

What is included-

  • All participants will get an event patch. Patches can be picked up at August or September roundtable meetings or mailed directly to homes if roundtables are still virtual. 
  • Dropbox link for sending project report and 5-minute video. All submissions must be uploaded by July 17th. 
  • Outstanding projects, as determined by our judges, will be awarded with a blue or red ribbon ranking. These Scouts will receive a special attachment to their event patch. 
  • All participants will receive an invitation to a virtual event on July 24th to announce final rankings and celebrate together. The event will feature guest speakers and special recognitions. 

Project ideas and guidance- 

Feel free to use the attached judging rubric that will be used rank your project to guide your work. Additional resources on science project guidance can be found at the Academy of Science St. Louis:


By participating in the Virtual STEM Fair and submitting videos or photographs, participants hereby assign and grant to the Greater Saint Louis Area Council and the Boy Scouts of America, as well as their authorized representatives, the right and permission to use and publish, including posting on any social media platform, the photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings made and hereby release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with activity from any and all liability from such use and publication. Participation authorizes the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and/or distribution of said photography/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the BSA and specifically waives any right to any compensation participants may have for any of the foregoing.

When & Where
Virtual STEM Fair
Online Webinar
Friday 07-17-2020 12:00 AM CT to
Friday 07-24-2020 7:00 PM CT Past
More Information