Gamehaven Council - National Youth Leadership Training

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National Youth Leadership Training

Event Details

NYLT is different.  We don't work on merit badges or rank advancement. There isn't a swimming beach, climbing tower, or shooting range. We spend the days working on and interacting as a Troop and Patrol, learning how to be better Scouts and people. The young people that we train come away as better leaders both in Scouting and their lives. 

Who Can Attend?  Registered Scouts who have attained First Class rank and are either 13 years old by July 9, 2023 or have finished the 8th grade, have mastered First Class camping skills, and are ready to be away from home for a week and engage with the course and their peers responsibly and maturely.

Pre-Course Meeting: REQUIRED: July 13th, 1:00pm - 3:00pm on Zoom

When: Course Week of July 21st at 11:30am - July 26th at 3:30pm, 2024.

Cost: $250/Scout

Where: Gamehaven Scout Camp - 5015 Simpson Rd SE, Rochester, MN

When & Where
NYLT Pre-Course Meeting
Gamehaven Council
Saturday 07-13-2024
1:00 PM CT to 3:00 PM CT Past
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NYLT Course
Gamehaven Scout Camp
Sunday 07-21-2024 11:30 AM CT to
Friday 07-26-2024 3:30 PM CT Past
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