Life-to-Eagle Workshop > within Leader Training 101
Life-to-Eagle Workshop in conjunction with Leader 101 Training
Hosted by the White Buffalo District ♦ Open to All Districts
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Calvary United Methodist Church
2525 N. Rock Road, Wichita
This workshop is intended for Life Scouts and a parent, Troop leaders who are new to Advancement or want to know more about senior Scout Advancement.
It works through the process of Advancement from Life Scout to the rank of Eagle Scout. Discussion will focus on the requirements for the rank of Eagle with emphasis on:
♦ Eagle Scout Service Project
♦ Preparation of the Eagle Scout Application
♦ Management of the character reference letters
A question and answer session will also be conducted, so any questions that may arise can be asked and answers provided at that time.
Cost: $5 per person attending (Refunds are not available)
Registration: 7:30 to 8:00 am ♦ Workshop: 8:00 to 11:30 am
More Info: Please contact:
Pete Dueringer, WB Eagle Advisor 316-733-5545
Alyssa Powers-Williams, WB District Executive 316-491-2229
~ ~ Special Note ~ ~
Unit Leaders, please encourage attendance by any Life Scout who is, or soon will be, working on his Eagle Scout Rank. It is especially an opportunity to encourage a Life Scout who is stalled in his progress toward Eagle.
Pete Dueringer