2023 Training Academy YOUTH Trainings

Senior Patrol Leader, Den Chief, and Introduction To Leadership Skills For Troops (ILST)
Online pre-registration is closed. Walk Ins are welcome on Saturday, but seats are limited! Arrive early (7:30 am or later) to reserve one of the remaining spots. Also, bring your lunch and some extra spending money. We will have a Snack Shack selling drinks and snacks, but no extra lunches. Required handbooks for Den Chief and SPL trainings may be available for purchase on the Midway from the Scout Shop; quantities are limited. Limited quantities of patches may be available for purchase at Registration, too.
Take a leap at Training Academy by attending one of our excellent youth leadership classes! Each full-day class offers a unique opportunity to learn from fantastic instructors and work with other youth leaders. This FREE* training for leadership positions within your Troop or Crew is second to none! Come to develop your leadership skills, learn to be a valued mentor to other Scouts with whom you work, and meet new friends, too!
Choose one of the following classes:
* Senior Patrol Leader Training
* Den Chief Training
* Introduction To Leadership Skills For Troops (ILST)
Training is offered at no cost for in-council Scouts who register by October 31st, as part of the program fee paid at recharter. A fee applies for: out-of-council Scouts, any Scouts registering on November 1st or later (walk-in registrations, as well), and lunch (optional).
- Materials. Both Den Chief and SPL classes require participants to have a book specific to their roles. Please bring your copy to class.
- Lunch. Participants may bring a lunch or choose to purchase a box lunch in advance when registering online. Note that lunches are NOT available to be purchased on site. Choices are: turkey sandwich, roast beef sandwich, or veggie wrap.
- Complimentary coffee, hot water for tea, and bug juice are provided throughout the day.
- A Snack Shack will be available to purchase snacks, soda, and bottled water during break times. Bring extra money for this.
- Training Academy Patches are available for purchase during registration and distributed at Training Academy. Quantities are limited, so do not wait. We cannot guarantee we will have additional stock for sale at Training Academy.
Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sycamore High School | 427 Spartan Trail | Sycamore, Illinois
7:30 am - 8:30 am Registration
8:30 am - 9:00 am Opening Ceremonies
9:10 am - 3:30 pm Chosen Training (Lunch & Midway visit scheduled within this time)
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Closing Ceremonies
Senior Patrol Leader Training is open to any Scout First Class and above who is either a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), Assistant Patrol Leader (ASPL) – or aspires to be in this leadership role in the future.
This supplemental training introduces current SPLs and ASPLs – and those who aspire to these positions – to the “nuts and bolts” of troop operations in their units. The syllabus draws from existing training materials for SPLs as well as other sources. It is supplemental and not designed to replace any existing training. At this training, you’ll learn:
- How to Run a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) Meeting
- Nuts and Bolts of a Troop Meeting
- How to Lead Games
- Communication
- How to Plan and Run a Troop Event
- Working with Adult Leaders
Bring the Senior Patrol Leader Handbook (for purchase at the Scout Shops in St. Charles and Naperville), paper, pencil, and your Scout Spirit. Wear your full uniform. The Senior Patrol Leader Handbook is required for this class.
No registration fee for TFC-registered youth for training if registered on or before October 31st*. There is a fee for lunch (optional - purchased during online registration only), late registrations, and out-of-council Scouts. (See notes above in the General Information section.)
Fee for out-of-Council Scouts is $20 / Scout.
Check in begins at 7:30 am
Den Chief Training is for Scouts BSA members who want to help Cub Scout Den Leaders with their dens. This is a recognized leadership position for Scouts. This course will provide Scouts with skills they need to be effective in this position to help younger Scouts – and it’s a lot of FUN! They will learn songs, games, and crafts to share with their dens and resource materials and information.
Bring the Den Chief Handbook (for purchase at the Scout Shops in St. Charles and Naperville), pencil, paper, an enthusiastic attitude, and wear their FULL SCOUT uniform. Attendance for the entire session is required to be considered trained and to earn the “TRAINED” patch. The Den Chief Handbook is required for this class.
No registration fee for TFC-registered youth for training if registered on or before October 31st*. There is a fee for lunch (optional - purchased during online registration only), late registration, and out-of-council Scouts.
FEE for out-of-council Scouts: $20 / Scout
Check in begins at 7:30 AM.
This course is open to Scouts in troop leadership positions, elected or appointed, especially SPL, ASPL, patrol leader, assistant patrol leader, instructor, JASM, and Wilderness Ethics Guide. Scouts will learn about their roles and responsibilities and how to most effectively reach success in those roles.
This course covers three topics:
- Troop Organization: troop leadership positions, vision and servant leadership.
- Tools of Leadership: communication, planning, and teaching.
- Leadership & Teamwork: teams and team characteristics, the stages of team and leadership development, inclusion/using your team, vision in more depth, and ethics and values of a leader.
ILST is the first course in the leadership training offered to Scouts. Completion of ILST is a prerequisite to participate in more advanced leadership courses: National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE), & to participate in a Kodiak Challenge Trek.
Bring paper, pencil, and your Scout Spirit. Wear your full uniform.
No registration fee for TFC-registered youth for training if registered on or before October 31st*. There is a fee for an optional lunch (purchased during online registration only - or bring your own) and out-of-council Scouts.
FEE for out-of-council Scouts: $20 / Scout
Check in begins at 7:30 AM.
* Registrations made on or after November 1st - including walk-in registrations - will be charged a $20 fee.