TFC: 2023 Training Academy

Be Prepared For Your Scouts' QUANTUM LEAPS!
Online pre-registration is closed. Walk Ins are welcome on Saturday, but seats are limited! Arrive early (7:30 am or later) to reserve one of the remaining spots. Also, bring your lunch and some extra spending money. We will have a Snack Shack selling drinks and snacks, but no extra lunches. Limited quantities of patches may be available for purchase at Registration, too.
Have you noticed how quickly your Scouts change and grow throughout their Scouting journeys?
As a leader, you have the opportunity to assist your Scouts' progress - often in the form of Quantum Leaps, which will help transform them into the high caliber leaders and adults they are destined to become!
Attend Training Academy | Quantum Leaps: Scouting Transforms this year to learn new strategies, techniques, activities, and adventures you can use in your unit to assist your Scouts in their individual journeys. From collaborative, leader-specific classes to enrichment courses, there’s something for everyone: camping, cooking, advancement, membership & recruiting, hands-on classes for activities, marketing your unit, special needs strategies, and much more!
What: Adult training for all levels of Scouting (Cub Scout, Webelos, Scouts BSA, and Venturing). Take up to five classes during the day. (Some classes are longer than a single class period.)
When: Saturday, November 11, 2023
Registration 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Opening Ceremony 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Classes (five periods)* 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Closing Ceremony 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Where: Sycamore High School
427 Spartan Trail, Sycamore, Illinois
Cost: TFC-registered Leader - free until October 31st (as
part of the program fee). A $20 late fee applies to
registrations made on or after November 1st,
including walk in's.
Out-of-Council Leader - $30
Extras: * The Scout Shop will be open during lunch.
* The Vendor Midway will be open during lunch and hosts vendors with ideas, activities, and products
to enhance your unit’s program.
* Complimentary coffee, hot water for tea, and bug juice are provided throughout the day.
* A Snack Shack will offer snacks, soda, and bottled water throughout the day for purchase.
* Classes. Each person who registers will be able to select five (5) class periods of training. When registering, use the five drop downs to make your selections. Make your choices beforehand by opening the Course Selection GRID link and viewing the choices for each period. Please make your selections NOW. Printable class catalogs (sorted by Scouting Level, Period, and by Subject) are located in the right-hand column of this web page. Please note that walk-in registration and course selections are based on availability, so register today for the classes you really want to take.
* Lunch. Participants may bring a lunch or choose to purchase a box lunch in advance when registering online. Note that lunches are NOT available to be purchased on site. Choices are: either a turkey, roast beef, or veggie sandwich.
* Patches. Training Academy Patches are available for purchase during registration. The patch features this year's Training Academy logo. Quantities are limited; order while registering. Patches will be delivered at Training Academy. Don't wait: We cannot guarantee we will have additional stock for sale at Training Academy.
Questions or to volunteer: Contact Joyce Nielsen, 2023 Training Academy Chairperson, 630.234.7233 or
* Class Period Schedule
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM: Period #1
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM: Period #2
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM: Period #3
01:30 PM - 02:20 PM: Period #4
02:30 PM - 03:20 PM: Period #5
Sycamore High School
Saturday 11-11-2023
8:30 AM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past