Normandy Camporee 2024

The Transatlantic Council (TAC) is one of three Boy Scouts of America Councils serving Scouting families abroad. We are based in Brussels, Belgium and serve families living in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. TAC serves over 4,000 BSA youth and volunteers.
The Normandy Camporee can be one of the highlights of a Scout family’s experiences while living in the Transatlantic Council!
2024 will be TAC’s 11th Normandy Camporee and we are recognized by the French Republic with the title “Custodians of Omaha Beach”.
The Camporee is open to all Scout families from around the the globe, including those from other Scout Associations, and not just members of the Boy Scouts of America.
All Camporee participants must register in order to attend. The following page will allow you to choose how you would like to attend: camping in a tent, renting a bungalow, or as a visitor only participating in the activities.
Read Me First for a full tutorial walkthrough of the registration process.
See the Event Guide for information on each of the programs offered, advice on traveling to and around Normandy, and all the logistical information you need to make this weekend a success.
Registration will remain open until March 31, 2024. Registrations may be added or edited up until this point.
Prior to arrival, please print and fill in the Lanyard Attachment (found in the event attachments ---> ). We will give you lanyards to put these into, but check-in will go faster if you have these prepared for your entire group.
Don't miss out on your Camporee swag! Check out the Trading Post Catalogue for details on the items offered and be sure to select your pre-orders while registering. Many items are only in LIMITED QUANTITES or SOLD ONLINE ONLY, so don't delay in reserving yours now!
Normandy, France
Friday 04-19-2024 5:00 PM CET to
Sunday 04-21-2024 12:30 PM CET Past