2022 Scouts BSA Klondike Derby

Pack up your sled and lead your patrol from town to town in a test of your scouting skills! 2019/2020 were such successes, we are back for a rematch! Don’t miss out on all the fun! This years theme: A Classic Alaskan Iditarod!
Each Patrol should have a sled. Construct a sled which can be used with or without snow present.
When: January 14th, 2022 thru January 16th, 2022
Check-in starts @ 6:00 Friday
Check-out by 11:00 Sunday
Where: Rainbow Scout Reservation
Who can attend: Troops
Cost: $25 for youth, $10 for adults
Registration closes January 1st, 2022!
At each town you will be competing for both points and your share of the gold nuggets. Collect as many gold nuggets as you can in order to use them later at the Klondike Trading Post (note: this is not the RSR trading post). Your patrol will need to carry all of your supplies on your sled as you travel to each town. Your patrol will also need to announce yourselves to the town via your patrol yell when you arrive. Failure to do so will cost you points, and will cause you to lose the respect of the crew. As you travel from town to town, beware of “Bandits” who wish to take your gold nuggets. If your patrol is proficient in topics related to scouting, you will be able to answer the claim bandits’ questions and save your gold.
Estimated Areas* (subject to change)
Skagway - Webelos Shelter
Brava Center – Warming Station
Grizzly Gulch – pavilion at the end of the Damn
Dawson City - Scoutcraft
Eldorado – Trading Post area
Grand Forks – Top of Waterfront area
Optional – Skits, Cook off, & Capture the Gold
No More then 8 in a patrol
Estimated Schedule
Friday Registration 6-8pm
Opening Campfire – 9-9:30pm (hot chocolate available)
Setup from 7- 8:30
Flags – 9am
Towns – 9am -11am
Lunch 11am-12pm
Stations 12-4pm
Capture the Gold 4pm-5pm
Dinner Break 5-7pm
Cook off entry due 5pm
Campfire 7pm – 8pm
Lights Out 10pm
Friday 01-14-2022 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 01-16-2022 11:00 AM CT Past