GNYC Trex 2025
Check-In will be from 8:00am to 8:30am.
What is TREX? Why should You attend?
GNYC Training Extravaganza is supplemental training opportunities organized and taught by volunteer instructors. It is the only time during the year where you can find, all in one place, the widest variety of training opportunities in all program areas: Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, and Venturing, as well as sessions for district volunteers and commissioners. Whether you are new to Scouting or a veteran, TREX provides interesting courses for all. Courses will include some of your favorites from years past and some exciting new content. You don’t want to miss TREX!
Who Should/can attend?
Adult Leaders of all levels of Scouting. (Unit, District, Council)
Youth (Scouts BSA and Venturing) are encouraged to attend youth courses.
Childcare is available for registered Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.