Exploration Merit Badge @ Explorer's Club Manhatttan 2025

Saturday October 25, 2025 9:00AM-3:00PM at the Explorers Club,
46 East 70th Street, New York
Full Scout Uniform Required !!
Have you ever wondered about your surroundings and wanted to learn more about them? Have you thought about the natural world and its interactions? Have you wanted to know why a machine works or how an insect flies, or what triggers some animals to hibernate? Maybe you are intrigued by the invisible world around us: bacteria, viruses, molecules, wind currents, tides, X-rays. Perhaps you have taken a walk in the woods just to see what is over the next ridge. If so, then you are interested in exploration. Exploration is what you do when you want to discover what is out there in and beyond the world.
We have many explorers already lined up to speak and give presentations to the scouts in completion of Exploration Merit Badge. Topics range from Egypt experts, underwater explorers, wildlife preservation, biological explorers, and space exploration. Attached are links to the website, the merit badge book, and the merit badge worksheet.
Scouts must complete requirements 7 & 8 prior to attending event to get completion of the badge. These requirements can not be done on the day of the event.
The price for the event is $20.00, for Scouts and adults; this covers breakfast, lunch and an Exploration Merit Badge Book. Full Scout Uniform Required !!
Beow is the program
For more information, please contact
Nayib Altareb- nayib.altareb@scouting.org