Greater New York Councils - STEM Spring Camp 2021

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STEM Spring Camp 2021

Event Details

We know you have been waiting on updates about STEM “Spring Break” Camp at Alpine

Our volunteer team has put together a great virtual camp program in place of an in person experience, please see the information below regarding what we have planned.

As We had to do in 2020 we are offering a Virtual program that consists of single day STEM programs over two weekends May 1 - 2 and May 22 - 23, you can choose to participate and register for any of the days individually. Each day is $20, if you register for all four days, the cost is $60!  For those attending Public Health there will be a single charge of $10,  and the Field Day will be no fee as we are working for the camp

We are tag teaming the program this year to also help the Scouts to earn the  NEW 50th Anniv.. BSA / EPA Conservation Award.  To earn this award the Scout must earn a merit badge from each of these 3 categories

Animal Study / Outdoor Activity / Earth Science.  They then need to earn Public Health MB and complete 6 hours of conservation/ public health svc project

Date      NOVA component                   Merit Badge                                            Award cat.

5-1-21    Let It Grow -                          Animal Science                                      Animal Study

5-2-21     Splash                                  Fishing                                                   Outdoor Activity

5- 8 - 21         9am Zoom                   Public Health                                         Public Health 

5-22-21    Start Your Engines              Energy                                                   Earth Science

5-23-21    Up and Away                      Oceanography                                        Earth Science

 6-12-21 will be our Field Day/ Service project day at Camp Pouch on Staten Island and will include our Service project for the Camp along with Time to Complete the hands on portion of Fishing MB,  and presentations for Oceanography MB

If the Scout completes our full program this season they will have the opportunity to complete up to 5 Merit badges, a special National level award, earn multiple Nova Components that will prepare them to start on a SuperNova AND Service time for the EPA award that can also be used towards rank advancement for Star and Life.

Merit badge sessions will begin at 9:00am on each scheduled day and Nova Component Sessions will begin at 1:30pm on the scheduled days

Scouts will be able to work with Staff for Super Nova Sessions on a request basis... they will need to be able to show staff that they have met the minimum requirements to begin working on the Super Nova award. We are waiving the age requirement that we normally have for STEM Camp,  so Any registered Scouts BSA Youth is eligible to participate this year.

We will be using a series of virtual platforms with the main "classroom" being the Google Classroom along with Google Meet or Hangouts, Zoom, or Flipgrid.

Scouts will be sent the links to the "classroom" following their registration  so they can begin to work on the Merit Badge pre-requisites, and the Nova Component reading/ watching  and experiments.

When & Where
5/1 Let it Grow - Animal Science - Animal Study
Online Event
Saturday 05-01-2021
9:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
More Information

5/2 Splash - Fishing - Outdoor Activity
Online Event
Sunday 05-02-2021
9:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
More Information

5/22 Start Your Engines - Energy - Earth Science
Online Event
Saturday 05-22-2021
9:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
More Information

5/23 Up and Away - Oceanography - Earth Science
Online Event
Sunday 05-23-2021
9:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
More Information