Kettle Country Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

This training course is required for Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Venture Crew Leaders. It is also recommended for Troop Committee Members and Scouts BSA Parents.
Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting and Venturing programs, this course will provide leaders with the basic outdoor skills needed to conduct a safe and well-prepared program.
The skills taught are based on the outdoor skills found in the Scouts BSA Handbook and conducted in an outdoor setting at Camp Rokilio in Kiel, WI.
The district training committee highly recommends that you complete Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training (commonly referred to as the ‘Indoor Session’) before taking Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
Upon completing registration you will be contacted by a training staff member with contact information for your patrol members, as you may be using the patrol method to determine food and other plans for the training sessions.
The Scout BSA Troop leader is considered trained upon completion of this course, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training , and Youth Protection Training.
Camp Rokilio, Check-in by 6:00 PM Friday.
All participants in all Scouting activities must complete Parts A and B of the Annual Health and Medical Form. Take the completed forms with you to the event/activity.