Spring Camporee
Join us on our Mission to Mars Spring Camporee!
Patrols will be tested on their Martian surviuval skills, team building, Scout spirit and their technical ingenuity!
Morning schedule will be patrol stations followed after lunch by the Martian Lander Mission (Egg Drop)
Patrols please construct your Martain Lander prior to the camporee. Lander rules and specifications in the leader guide and special attachments on the registration. Please have your SPLs and troop go over these.
Stations will be awarding Martian Credits to Patrols as they progess, and at closing campfire we will give out awards for:
Top 3 Patrols for overal Credits
Top Patrol at each station
Top Patrol for maximum height survival of Martian Lander
Top conceptual design for the Martian Lander