Princess Anne Shooting Sports (PASS)
Princess Anne Shooting Sports (PASS) is a Cub Scout event focused on the new Shooting Sports electives. PASS started as an opportunity for Cub Scouts who could not attend Summer camp and wanted to earn the Shooting Sports award.
Restrictions: This event is open to all Cub Scouts entering the rank of Tigers-AOL. This event is closed to Lions.
Details: There is one morning and one afternoon session which will serve 128 Scouts total. Sessions will focused on BB gun, archery, wrist rocket shooting sports and a Rocket station. Parents must accompany their Scout to the stations. This is not a drop-off event. Medical forms part A & B are required at check-in for all youth, adults, staff & volunteers.
Scouts will earn a certification indicating that the child has passed the electives. That certification will be given to the parent to give to their unit and awards will be presented at the unit level. Sometimes partial completion may need to be distributed due to various circumstances.
Participants will earn a PASS activites patch at the completion of their session. Please see leaders guide for further registratiion details.
Registration closes Tuesday May 28th at midnight or when all slots are filled, whichever comes first.
Columbian Club
Saturday 06-01-2024
8:30 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET Past
Session 2
Columbian Club
Saturday 06-01-2024
12:30 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past