High Desert Council - Klondike-North 2025

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Klondike-North 2025

Event Details

Klondike derby is an annual event held by some Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada districts or councils during the winter months and is based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush. BSA units have been running Klondike derbies since 1949.

The event varies by district, but the typical Klondike derby consists of several stations where patrols/units must test their Scoutcraft skills and their leadership abilities, earning points towards a total score. Often, one or more races are included while the Scouts navigate between stations.

The unit must transport their gear on a homemade sled pulled by the Scouts. Councils may have specific guidelines for the construction of sleds.

The Klondike Derby is a test of scout skills and of the patrol method. If your troop routinely practices traditional scout skills and is “scout-led”, you’ll find nothing unfamiliar with what is expected of you to score well. No matter your score, your participation in this event will help make you a better troop and will strengthen the bonds that make good patrols. Ideally, scouts will learn their strengths and weaknesses and have a fun weekend. We are very proud of all our participants.

Arrow of Light youth should be signed up with troop and invited for Saturday only, no overnight and no med forms required.

Arrival times:
Friday 5-10pm.  Saturday no later then 8:30am
Departure times:
Saturday will be done about 5pm. Sunday everyone needs to be gone by 9am.

Dinner Friday and lunch Saturday will be provided.

When & Where
Gorham Scout Ranch
Friday 02-07-2025 6:00 PM MT to
Sunday 02-09-2025 9:00 AM MT Past
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