2025 Merit Badge College 045
2025 March Merit Badge Madness
This year's Merit Badge College is loaded with new MB classes! Over 50 Merit Badges offered in half-day or full-day classes. Lunch is included.
See the Course Catalog for details about prerequisites, special instructions, and personal equipment required.
If your Scout needs special accomodations due to special needs, please complete the Special Needs Scout Support Checklist and return it to the Council office.
Attendance at Merit Badge College is not a guarantee that the selected Merit Badges will be completed. Scouts with only be given credit for requirements completed during MBCollege instruction. Any requirement not covered during MBCollege will need to be finished by the Scout before or after attending the event. Scouts will need to work with a Merit Badge Counselor within their unit, district, or Council to sign off these requirements to complete their Merit Badge.