2025 SEALS Course

SEALS Training
Dates: May 3-4, 2025
Location: GOLS (270 Wheeling Circle, Glendale, SC)
Price: In Council: $35 deposit per participant, $30 is refundable upon completion for Palmetto Scouts only. Out of Council: $65 non-refundable fee.
Requirements: Ages 14 years and younger, Tenderfoot or higher Rank, I.L.S.T. Completed
Must Read: Code of Conduct and Participant Information. Both documents are listed to the right of this page.
This Junior Leadership Training Course is for current, or soon to be leaders in your troop who are 14 and younger, with a minimum rank of Tenderfooot, any exceptions must be approved by the Course Director. All Scouts attending must be recommended by their Scoutmaster.
Participants are required to have completed I.L.S.T. (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops) within their home Troop before attendingd SEALS.
Participants will be shown how to apply and use leadership skills and Scout spirit effectively in a youth led Troop in their specific leadership position. By the end of the course, each Scout will write a "contract," which consists of a SMART goal that provides the participant with an opportunity to practice their newly-learned leadership skills to improve their home patrol or troop.
Participants will be divided into patrols of eight members. A total of 48 spots are available so you will need to register early. Each patrol member will be provided with more information after registering.
Participants will have an opportunity to earn a SEALS strip that can be worn on their uniform after completing the contract.
If registration exceeds 48, a waiting list will be created. To accommodate as many Troops as possible, each Troop Scoutmaster can submit 2 youth for this course. If the course is not full two weeks before the course start date, then additional youth from the Troop can use the open slots.
Payment is required upon registration.