University of Scouting
University of Scouting
So, you’ve completed your Position Specific Training as Den Leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster or Committee Member. What’s next? How do you make your Den Meetings more active and eventful? What do you do to ensure your Unit’s program provides the opportunities your Scouts want and need?
Do you want to learn more about Scouting and how Scouting fits in today’s society? Do you need more information to allow YOU to become a more effective leader? Do you need to know where to find the RESOURCES to enable you to do your very best?
The University of Scouting will be the place to be on Feb. 8, 2025. You will get all of this – AND MORE. Whether you are a new Cub Scout Leader, a seasoned Scouts BSA or Venturing Leader, or an active member of your District or Council Committee, YOU WILL benefit from this single, full day training, by taking part in sessions that will provide the assistance you need to help aid your specific program area.
You can take part in up to 6 class sessions of your own choosing and lunch is included. There will also be a Midway area where you can meet your District Leaders and learn about a multitude of activities available for you and your Scouts.
We look forward to seeing you there.