Pintwood Derby - Individual

for Individual Racers
MARCH 8, 2025
Limited amount of rentals available on race day for $10 per car
The 2nd Adult “Pintwood” Derby will be held on Saturday, March 8th, at Carey’s Brew House on Bridge Street in Corning. This is a fundraiser for Scouts registered in the council and needing financial assistance to attend summer camp at Camp Gorton.
Check-in and inspections will begin at 6:00 pm. Races start at 7:00 pm. The derby is open to all adults 21 years of age or older. Registration is via the council website or cash in hand delivered to Karl Ziegenfus by the close of business at the council office on Thursday, March 1st - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Build a New One or Bring Your Old One, 1 Registration per person with as many cars as you want!
Race is open to either an individual racer ($50 per car) or a Team ($100 per car)
- Individual will race individual, team will race other team
- Team can be a Company or Buisness and have as many work on the car as they want
- Stock and Modified rules apply to both Individual and Team races
- Team Registration can be found at:
Step #1 - Pick your division
- STOCK - Download the rules for Stock Division.
- MODIFIED - Enhance your car with only a few restrictions based on track conditions
Step #2 - Pick your Category
"Vintage" category is for any car with a prior racing history!!!!
Limited Amount of Rentals available on race day for $10 per car.
Each car will be randomly run down the electronic track 3 times to establish an average.
Who: Adults 21+
Fee: $50 per Car Entry
Includes 1 BSA Pinewood kit & finger food at event - cash bar for drinks
Pick up your car at the Council Office or from Karl Ziegenfus at
Trophies for 1st Place in Each Division and Medals for 2nd & 3rd Place in Each Division
Best of Awards for the Winner in each of the 4 categories MINUS Rental
Sponsorship Opporunities
100% of All Sponsorship Funds Goes Toward 2025 Camperships
Top 2 Levels ar Single Sponsors ONLY with Special Recognition
- Race Event $5000
- Victory Lane $2500
- Pit Alley $1000
- Finishing Line $750
- Starting Line $500
- Hair Pin Turn $400
- Straight Away $300
- S-Turn $200
- Pace Car $100
All Sponsors are entitled to build their own car to race in the event and will be recognized at the Event, at Summer Camp and on the Council Website
Scout Summer Camp Fee $610.00 Cub Adventure Camp Fee $355.00
All cars racing in the STOCK DIVISION must meet the following specifications.
All cars must be made from the official BSA kit provided. Pre-cut kits available on-line and at local craft stores are NOT permissible to be used for the Stock Division.
- Customized purchased wheels are not allowed.
- Wheels may be lightly sanded and polished. The nubs on the wheels must be visible.
- Wheel lathing, shaving, or trimming is not permissible. If it is suspected, a wheel will be measured and if not in tolerance the car will be disqualified from racing.
- Wheels can be purchased if they are not shaved, thinned, trimmed, and must be the official BSA wheels * * * SEE FIGURE #3
- Only powdered graphite is allowed.
- Wheel hubs are allowed to be polished only.
- The car must be freewheeling with no starting devices.
- Customized purchased axles are not allowed.
- Axles are to be the ones in the official BSA kit (nails).
- Axles are allowed to have the crimp marks filed off and can be sanded and polished.
- Axles are allowed to be bent if there are at least 3 of 4 wheels touching and all other car dimensions are met.
- Every effort must be made to use the pre-cut axle slots in the car. Drilling holes for axles is permissible as-long-as the back axle is no closer than 15/16” from the back edge of the rear of the block, the wheelbase is between 4 ¼” and 4 3/8” of an inch, and the undercar clearance is at least 3/8”.
- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are not permitted.
- Total Finished car maximum weight is not to exceed 5 oz.
- If weight is added to the bottom of the car, it must be Recessed up into the body of the car as not to interfere with the bottom clearance of the car * * * SEE FIGURE #1 & #2
Official Finished Car Dimensions
- Max car length – 7 inches
- Max car width – 2 ¾ inches
- Max Car Height – 2 ¾ inches
- Minimum width between wheels – 1 ¾ inches
- Min Underbody Car Clearance 3/8 inches
- Wheelbase – between 4 ¼” and 4 3/8” of an inch
- Weight – Finished car weight – 5 oz.
Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection team before it may compete. The inspectors have the right to disqualify any car that does not meet specifications. If any car does not pass inspection, an opportunity to make adjustments is permitted. Re-inspection is possible if changes can be made before the start of the race. Cars are to be managed only by race officials after passing inspection. In case of disputes the decision of the judges is final.
Figure 1 - Underside of Car (Illegal)
Figure 2 - Underside of Car (Legal)
Figure 3 - Wheels (Illegal vs Legal)
All cars racing in the MODIFIED DIVISION must meet the following specifications.
All cars may be modified as follows. Pre-cut kits available on-line and at local craft stores ARE permissible to be used for the Modified Division.
- Customized purchased wheels are allowed.
- Wheels may be sanded and polished.
- Wheel lathing, shaving, or trimming is permissible.
- Only powdered graphite is allowed.
- Wheel hubs are allowed to be polished.
- The car must be freewheeling with no starting devices.
- Customized purchased axles are allowed.
- Axles are allowed to have the crimp marks filed off and can be sanded and polished.
- Axles are allowed to be bent if there are at least 3 of 4 wheels touching and all other car dimensions are met.
- The pre-cut axle slots in the car for axles may be drilled and repositioned as-long-as the back axle is no closer than 15/16” from the back edge of the rear of the block, the wheelbase is between 4 ¼” and 4 3/8” of an inch, and the undercar clearance is at least 3/8”. The car MUST be able to ride on the track over the raised guide rail.
- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are permitted.
- Total Finished car maximum weight is not to exceed 12 oz.
- If weight is added to the bottom of the car, it must be Recessed up into the body of the car as not to interfere with the bottom clearance of the car * * * SEE FIGURE #1 & #2
- Total Finished car height should not exceed 6 inches.
- If the car will not freely roll under the finish line banner, it will not be allowed to race until the end of the regular races.
- It will be allowed to run, but will not be counted as a qualified car due to excessive height.
- Total Finished car height should not exceed 6 inches.
- If the car will not freely roll under the finish line banner, it will not be allowed to race until the end of the regular races & not be counted as a qualified car.
- Maximum car length - 7 inches
- Maximum car width - 2 ¾ inches
- Minimum width between wheels - 1 ¾ inches
You should recieve an email confirmation once registration is complete. If not check your spam folder for an email from