2025 Swift High Adventure Base-Venturing Summer Camp

Are you ready for adventure? Swift Base has it!
Every week at Swift includes more activities than you can possibly complete. Rock Climbing, High Challenge Course, Rapelling, Low Challenge Course, Swimming, Sailing, SUPs, Equestrian Programs, Mountain Bikes Course and Trail Rides, Ascending, Mountain Boards, and more. Then on top of all that fun, each week has a theme that expands the program offerings at Swift. Summer Camp For Venturers and Scouts ages 14-20 or 13 and graduated the 8th grade.
To Complete your 2025 Crew or Provisional Deposit, please click on the "Register" button to the right for the week you wish to attend.
- Venturing Week -- June 15 - 21
- Coming January 6th, you will be able to make individual payments for youth and adults. The Campership application (only available to in Council units) will also open at that time.
Summer Camp Pricing: Fee schedule: