2023 SIUE STEM Center - Cub Scout Workshop
Proudly offers new Lion & Tiger Adventure Loop Workshops!
Ready, Set, Grow Loop - Learn where the food we eat comes from. Plant a small container garden.
Gizmos and Gadgets Loop - Explore properties of motion and the properties of force. Use simple materials to create a useful object.
Tiger Bites Loop - Promote nutrition, hygiene, and manners to Tiger Cub Scouts. Who's hungry?
Floats and Boats Loop - Learn about water safety, buddy system, and building a boat!
The Scouts will work on the requirements plus some extra fun from the SIUE STEM Center resources.
Where: Science East Building Room 1276 (40 Hairpin Dr, Edwardsville, IL 62026), free parking in lot A
Interactive Campus Map ( https://www.siue.edu/maps/?keyword=science-building-east )
Date: Saturday, October 21st 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Please note time change)
Cost : $16 per Scout, the Scouts will get Loop cards to take back to their Pack to get awarded
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville established the STEM Center as a central hub to support innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) research, education, and outreach at the University. Since then, we have worked to build teams of researchers and educators who implement STEM education programming, provide students and educators with access to STEM resources and equipment, and facilitate creative and effective ways of STEM teaching and learning in PreK-12 and higher education classrooms and beyond. Cub Scouts will utilize these resources to gain knowledge, advancement, and a college campus experience!
Introduce and do a warm up activity. (15 min)
Fruit and vegetable activities. (60 min)
Tiger Bites Loop (Tigers)
Ready, Set, Grow Loop (Lions)
Break. (10 min)
Building boats from recycled materials. (60 min)
Floats and Boats Loop (Tigers)
Gizmos and Gadgets Loop (Lion)
For more information on STEM events, please go to our council website.
SIUE STEM Resource Center
Saturday 10-21-2023
2:00 PM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past