2021 Plant Science Merit Badge Virtual

Plant Science Merit Badge
This class will be conducted on Zoom.
Date: April 24, 2021
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Instructor: Lauri Calder
Cost: $5.00
Plant Science:
Requirement 7. Write a paragraph about 1 career in agronomy, horticulture, or botany. Send it to me at LariL1@yahoo.com and CC a parent/adult.
Requirement 8 Option 2 part A. Visit one of the following places and write me 1 thing thatyou learned about horticulture there: public garden, arboretum, retail nursery, wholesale nursery, production greenhouse, or conservatory greenhouse. (Your visit can be any time since becoming a BSA Scout) (The thing you learned does not need to be super complex. Anything like these is sufficient: learning the name of a plant you liked or the height a certain tree will grow to or the price of a plant).
Requirement 5 and 8 Option 2 part C1. Grow a plant from a stem or root cutting or graft. (During the class, I will show you how to do this with a sweet potato, onion, and spider plant)
Requirement 8 Option 2 part E. Complete either "bedding plants" or "home gardening" below. Send me an email letting me know which one you completed. You could have completed these any time since becoming a BSA Scout. You only need to do 1 of these:
o Bedding Plants: Start with plants in potting soil and transplant to a bed in the landscape and maintain the bed for the growing season. (This means buying plants from Home Depot/wherever or growing plants from seeds in containers. Basically, not planting seeds directly in the ground. Any type of plants are fine).
o Home gardening: Design and plant a garden or landscape that is at least 10 by 10 feet. Plant 10 or more different types of plants in your garden and take care of them for one season. Know that to make your yard better for birds, you should 1. plant at least 3 food sources such as nectar filled flowers, berry bushes and sunflowers, 2. add a water source such as a bird bath or pond, 3. provide shelter by planting trees, and 4. provide nesting habitats such as bird houses and shrubs. You don't have to add the bird things to your yard - just read the sentence above. It's a required topic on this option
Please have these completed before attending the class.
The Zoom link will be sent out prior to the class.
Scouts should plan to have their videos on for the duration of the session so that Counselors can ensure their participation and engagement. Counselors have the discretion to determine if a Scout completed the requirements based on their engagement during the session
Online Merit Badge Class
Saturday 04-24-2021
10:00 AM CT to 11:30 AM CT Past