STL After Dark (2025)

Saint Louis After Dark
January 17-18, 2025
Location: Meeting and Ending at the St. Peter's Rec Plex
5200 Mexico Rd.
St. Peters, MO
Registration starts at 6:15 PM
Please plan to arrive by 6:30 PM
Buses Leave for Tours at 7:00 PM
Lockin Ends at 6:00 AM
All on the waitlist have been moved to registered and now should show a balance due on your registration. Late registration has been extended through Friday night. Please complete your registration as you can if you were on the waitlist, and thank you for your patience. |
What in the World is this Event?
Part Lock-in, Part Behind the Scenes Tours! Join in the fun for a night (and early morning) of exciting fun as we tour sites then end at a lock-in site. This event has a bit of something for everyone!
Buses will leave at 7:00 and go through tours at 4 sites or so. Some of the sights include the STL Foodbank (where Saint Louis Scouting for Food goes) and Boeing World Headquaters. Tours will be 45-60 minutes each.
Then about Midnight we will return to the Rec Plex. We've got swimming, ice skating, basket ball, pickleball, all sort of games and fun lined up. There will be pizza, drinks, and even a place to take a nap if needed.
Who Can Attend:
All Scouting Youth (Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, Scouts BSA) and Prospective members, all who are 14 and up or 13 and graduated 8th grade are welcome to attend! Units with more than two youth attending must provide adequate adult leadership. Individual youth may register as a provisional youth, but more than two youth in attendance will need to have unit leadership present.
Due to the natue of the event all adults must be registered for the event, have youth protection, and be a registered Scouting/Exploring leader.
Friday 01-17-2025 6:30 PM CT to
Saturday 01-18-2025 6:00 AM CT Past