2021 Cub Scout Leader Training- Shawnee District

Cub Scout Leader Training
"Every scout deserves a trained leader"
Don't miss this informative training session for all adult Cub Scout adult members. Learn what you need to know to have a successful Cub Scout Program! Help your Pack become a Quality Unit. We're striving for 100% trained leaders!
This training is for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Pack-Committee Chair, Pack Committee, Assistant Den Leaders and Assistant Cubmasters. All will be trained and prepared to create a quality program for their Cub Scouts.
Walk-ins will be not be accepted.
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021
TIme: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Jackson City Park, Jackson, MO (pavilion TBD
Training for new Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Pack Committee Chair, Pack Committe, Assistant Den Leaders and Assistant Cubmasters. All will be trained and prepared to create a quality program for their Cub Scouts. Please share this information with all of your Cub Scout Leaders. Leaders who have moved or will be moving into new positions need to be trained.
Questions can be directed to Sherry Watson, Shawnee District Training Chair: 573-517-3844 or sherjz08@gmail.com
Jackson City Park
Saturday 09-25-2021
9:00 AM CT to 12:00 PM CT Past