Greater Saint Louis Area Council - 2020 Art Merit Badge Virtual

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2020 Art Merit Badge Virtual

Event Details






Art Merit Badge

The Art Merit Badge will take place via a Zoom meeting.

Date:  September 19th
Time:  12:00 pm  - 1:30 pm
Instructor: Kim Rowden

Prerequisites :

● Requirement # 2 - “Discuss with your counselor the following terms and elements of art. Line, value, shape, form, space, color, and texture.” Show examples of each element. Write a short explanation of each, and draw an example of each.

● Requirement # 3 - “ Discuss with your counselor the six principles of design : rhythm, blancee, proportion, variety, emphasis, and unity” Write a short explanation of each, and draw an example of each.

● Requirement # 4 - “ Render a subject of your choice in FOUR of these ways: “ This means choose an object or subject and complete FOUR DIFFERENT art pieces using any of these media. A - pen and ink ( not an ink pen - actual calligraphy pen dipped in in or ink cartridge B - watercolors C - pencil ( shading and detail) D - pastels E - oil paints F - Tempera paint G - acrylic paint H - Charcoal I - Computer drawing or painting

● Requirement #5 - CHOOSE ONE : a. Design something useful. Make a sketch or model of your design and get your counselor's approval before you proceed. Then create a promotional piece for the item using a picture or pictures. OR b. Tell a story with a picture or pictures or using a 3-D rendering. OR C. Design a logo. Share your design with your counselor and explain the significance of your logo. Then, with your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, put your logo on Scout equipment, furniture, ceramics, or fabric.

● Requirement # 6 - “With your parent's permission and your counselor's approval, visit a museum, art exhibit, art gallery, artists' co-op, or artist's workshop. Find out about the art displayed or created there. Discuss what you learn with your counselor.” See links provided for ideas, or you can visit another museum online.

● Requirement # 7 - “Find out about three career opportunities in art.” and “Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession.”

Meeting outlines :

First meeting :

● Intro Counselor and Scouts participating
● Discuss Requirement #1, a, b, and c
● Discuss and show items for requirements # 2 and # 3
● Talk about online museum visit for requirement # 6

Second meeting :

● Art Show! Show four renderings for requirement # 4
● Show artwork for requirement # 5
● Discuss Requirement # 7, careers in art

The second meeting may be an additional group meeting or individual meetings. This is to be decided in class. 
Scouts who need additional time for completion or want to work further can contact me via email after the two online sessions at (Always include 2 adults when contacting)

Please check the attachment on your registration confirmation for links to books, workbook, virtual museum tours, etc that are needed to complete the badge. 


Scouts should plan to have their videos on for the duration of the session so that Counselors can ensure their participation and engagement. Counselors have the discretion to determine if a Scout completed the requirements based on their engagement during the session.





When & Where
Online Merit Badge Class
Saturday 09-19-2020
12:00 PM CT to 1:30 PM CT Past
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