2024 Piasa Bird / Cahokia Mounds Spring Camporee
The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for Scouts to earn a Merit Badge and have a safe, fun camping experience with additional activities. The Merit Badge activities take place on Saturday, May 4th in the morning, but Troops may camp overnight on Friday - Sunday, May 3rd-5th for additional activities. Troop leaders are encouraged to act as distant chaperones during the event.
Each troop will receive one pass for a vehicle to park at the campsite. All others should park in Upper or Lower Jacoby (by the entrance to camp). Staff parking is in the upper parking lot. Meals will be on your own. The Health Lodge will be staffed all weekend. Events will take place throughout camp but camping sites are available on a “first come” basis. Registration is Friday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm and Saturday morning from 8:00-8:30 am. The number of participants in each merit badge class will be limited. Class A’s are required.
Please bring health forms for all of those in attendance. Cost is $15 early bird registration, $17 for regular registration, and $20 to register on the weekend of the event. Vehicle traffic throughout camp is not allowed during the event. Follow all BSA regulations to include, but not limited to, the Buddy system and two-deep leadership. Camp staff should check your site before you leave.
Registered BSA adults may choose to help run an area/station. Please let staff know prior to or upon your arrival if you would like to help out.
Merit Badge offerings
Prerequisites must be done prior to the event to earn a completed Merit Badge.
Photography - limited to 10 Scouts
meet at the front of Swaim Lodge
Prerequisites are 1, 2, 7 (Scouts can email or bring the poster for 7) and bring a camera or phone with a camera app. Required videos will be sent to registered attendees.
Emergency Preparedness - limited to 10 Scouts
meet at Pioneer Pavilion
Prerequisites are 1, 6c
bring evidence for - 2b, 2c, 7b, 8b, and 9b OR 9c
Family Life - limited to 20 Scouts
meet at Winter Lodge
Prerequisites are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6b
Additional activities
Feed Grogu/Fishing Derby
Sign up with registration
meet at the lake
Hours are 8:45-12:00 and 1:00-4:00, explanation of rules are at 8:45 and 1:00.
Scouts may bring their own gear and bait. They can fish all day or for part of the day. We are not providing live bait but do have artificial bait available.
What does Grogu eat?/Urban Fishing Program trailer (Illinois Department of Natural Resources)
Outside of Swaim Lodge
Hours are 8:00-4:00
Bacta Tank Experience/First Aid knowledge
Check in at the Health Office for a test of your first aid skills.
Find the Jedi Master/Scavenger Hunt
Begins after Flag Ceremony and runs throughout the day
Blast the Death Star/Torpedo Launcher Competition
Use the materials provided to create a functioning launcher to score points.
Best Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy/Wagon Decoration Competition
Scouts present their Troop wagon decorated in an intergalactic fashion at Swaim
lodge prior to Saturday morning flag ceremony.
Bantha Race/Wagon Race Competition
See how fast your “intergalactic ship” is compared to ships decorated by other Troops. Time and location will be announced at the flag ceremony.
Mandalorian vs. Stormtrooper/Shooting Competitions
Shotgun and rifle shooting competitions at the shooting sports area.
Hours to be determined.
What’s cooking at the Mos Eisley Cantina/Cooking Competition
Saturday evening 6:00
Scouts should bring a sample of their camp made meal and dessert to Swaim for judging.
Save the Princess on the Death Star/Climbing Tower
Rescue the Princess at the climbing tower. No competition, just fun.
Escape the Sarlacc Pit/Cross the Wall
Climb over the low wall by the climbing tower and help get your fellow Scouts over.
Feel the Force Luke/Lifting Competition
Raise boxes fastest and highest using your own ropes and team. Extra points for creativity.
Campfire programs
Troops should come prepared with a skit, song, or performance for the whole camp campfires on Friday and Saturday night. Both nights are 7:30 pm. Camp fire is at the Amphitheater. Awards for all competitions will be given at Saturday’s campfire program.
Friday, May 3, 2024
Campers may check in at the office at Swaim Lodge beginning at 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm.
Campfire program is at 7:30pm.
Late arrivals may check in after campfire.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
8:00 am - check in at the office in Swaim Lodge for all new arrivals
8:30 am - flag ceremony at Swaim Lodge
8:45 am - all Merit Badge courses begin and additional activities are open
12:00 - morning fishing derby time ends. It continues after lunch.
12:30 pm - lunch break for all staff and participants
1:00 pm - Fishing derby continues with an explanation of the rules for Scouts who were participating in Merit Badges
1:30 pm - afternoon activities begin
4:00 pm - Fishing Derby ends and the Department of Natural Resources Trailer closes
4:30- all afternoon sessions end
6:00 - Cooking competition in Swaim Lodge
7:15 pm - flag ceremony
7:30 pm - Campfire program in front of Winter Lodge with presentation of awards
Sunday,May 5, 2024
Check out of camp and collect health forms at the office in Swaim Lodge by 10:00 am
Merit Badges offered and reqiurements
- Photography - limited to 10 Scouts 8:45-12:45
- Meet at the front of Swaim Lodge
- Prerequisites are 1, 2, 7 (Scouts can email or bring the poster for 7) and bring a camera or phone with a camera app. Required videos will be sent to registered attendees.
- Emergency Preparedness - limited to 10 Scouts 8:45-12:45
- Meet at Pioneer Pavilion
- Prerequisites are 1, 6c
- bring evidence for - 2b, 2c, 7b, 8b, and 9b OR 9c
- Family Life - limited to 20 Scouts 8:45-12:45
- Meet at Winter Lodge
- Prerequisites are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6b