Greater Saint Louis Area Council - Cub Scout Adventure Workshop December- Cast Iron Chef (Webelos Rank)

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Cub Scout Adventure Workshop December- Cast Iron Chef (Webelos Rank)

Event Details

Webelos Scouts come join us on December 2nd to earn your Cast Iron Chef Adventure!

 One Session  10:00am-12:00pm - Emerson Dining Hall


We will provide all your cooking supplies and food for the event. Adults can join in the meal for $10 per adult. Non eating adults can participate for free. Adult supervision is required. for each child. 

Dress for the weather as we will be outdoors. If weather is to cold we will be inside. 

We will provide a completion card to be sent back to your pack.

When & Where
Session One
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 12-02-2023
10:00 AM CT to 11:30 AM CT Past
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