2023 Cub Leader Position Specific Training
Event Details
Cub Leader Position Specific Training
Cub Scout Adult Leader Training is for Cubmasters, Assistant Cubmasters, Committee Chairs, and Den Leaders.
The course is Saturday, May 13, 9:00 am to noon.
Location: Beaumont, Emerson Center, Theater Room
The faculty will provide comprehensive training enabling participants to better serve Cub Scouts. Unlike online learning, participants will benefit from the ability to actively participate, ask questions and learn from each other. Participants will leave the classroom ready to give their youth (and the youth around them) the best Cub Scouting experience.
When & Where
Cub Leader Training
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 05-13-2023
9:00 AM CT to 12:00 PM CT Past
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 05-13-2023
9:00 AM CT to 12:00 PM CT Past