National Order of the Arrow Conference Information
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is the flagship national Order of the Arrow event. It is held every two years and is typically attended by as many as 8,000 Arrowmen from all 50 states and numerous other countries. Any youth member of the Shawnee Lodge is eligible to attend the conference with our contingent. Adult members of the lodge can apply to attend the conference with the contingent, as individual delegates or as a member of the conference staff. The 2024 NOAC will be held July 29 – August 3rd, 2024 at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Join us at NOAC to watch the nightly stadium shows, bring our lodge to victory in the sports and ceremony competitions, and meet Arrowmen nationwide, all while spending a week living in a college dorm.
The Shawnee Lodge NOAC Committee has formed to start planning our participation in the conference for 2024. Members can reserve their spot at the conference with a $100 refundable deposit. As we receive more information from the National Office we will share updates including a full price for the contingent, payment schedules, and additional program and travel details.
The lodge contingent fee includes:
Conference Fee including housing and all meals during the conference
Round Trip Transportation to the conference via a private chartered bus.
Commemorative Shawnee NOAC items available only to members from our lodge attending or staffing the conference. (Includes patches to trade - a popular NOAC tradition!)
Reserve your spot for NOAC today and prepare to have a blast with your lodge at the University of Colorado Boulder!
*The exact departure and return dates are still to be determined based on our scheduled arrival/departure times for conference registration, but it is currently expected that the contingent bus will leave sometime on July 28th.
2024 Shawnee Lodge NOAC ContingentJuly 29, 2024 12:00 AM: 2024 National Order of the Arrow Conference
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Boulder