2024 New Horizons Fall Camporee
Event Details

2024 Fall Camporee
October 4 - 6, 2024
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Step back in time for a fun weekend of Scout Skills activities now and how they were done in the past. This event is for all Arrow of Light Scouts, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturer Scouts. Activities will be age-appropriate for these groups.
This is a great event for Troops to invite AOL Scouts to enjoy a day of activities, join the Troop for dinner, and camp with the Troop.
Some of the activities include:
- Search and Rescue (presented by the Eureka Fire Department
- Learn how Search and Rescue teams find lost people before GPS
- Fire Building
- Use tools from historic time periods to burn stuff
- Historic Reenactors
- Watch how people lived in the past
Cost is $15.00 per person. Reservations close on 9/27/24.
When & Where
Beaumont Scout Reservation
Friday 10-04-2024 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 10-06-2024 11:00 AM CT Past
Friday 10-04-2024 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 10-06-2024 11:00 AM CT Past