2023 Central Illinois Spring Camporee

2023 Central Illinois Spring Camporee
5-8:30pm Check-in at Registration Building, Campsite Set-up
8:30pm SPL meeting & Troop Movie Night (Activities Building)
- Units must have an SPL at this meeting to participate in Capture the Flag
8:45pm Leader Meeting (Admin Building)
- All units are encouraged to have at least 1 leader in attendance
11pm Quiet Time
Spring Camporee is a great time for units to practice the values of Scouting by helping to get RFSR ready for summer programming. Several projects will be available on Saturday morning. Please see staff for information.
8:30am Morning Flags (Parade Field)
9-12pm Program Areas Open
- “X Marks the Spot” Chalk Ball Target Shoot
- “The Pirate’s Code” (Signs, Signals, & Codes)
- “Sail the Seven Seas” (Pioneering)
Staff will determine the winners for each event & winning Patrols will be announced at Firebowl.
12-2pm Lunch Break
2pm Magic the Gathering Tournament (Youth Led) @ Monney Pavillion
2-5pm Lawn Games available at Admin Building
2-7pm Capture the Flag
- Units will be given a flag & a list of guidelines for each of their patrols at Friday’s SPL meeting.
- There will be supplies out Friday night & Saturday morning to decorate your unique Pirate flag.
- Patrols will have until 2pm on Saturday to hide their Pirate flag. Flags must stay hidden.
- Patrols will be tasked with finding as many “enemy” flags as possible during the game.
- Scouters wishing to participate will be provided a unique flag that will be worth bonus points.
3pm Dessert Competition Judging @ Monney Pavillion
- Units are encouraged to bring dutch oven and campfire desserts (including creative s’mores!) to share!
- Those wishing to enter the competition should register at the Leaders’ Meeting on Friday
5-7pm Dinner Break
7pm Flag Lowering (Parade Field)
Campfire Program at Firebowl following evening flags
Units are encouraged to prepare a skit or song for Firebowl. (Bonus points for a Sea Shanty!)
All skits/songs must be approved. Sign up with Camporee Staff by 2pm on Saturday.
11pm Quiet Time
8:30am Scouts’ Own Religious Service @ RFSR Chapel
- We ask that Scouts from each Unit assist with this brief interfaith worship service.
- More information & a signup will be available at the Leaders’ Meeting on Friday.
- We will celebrate Mother’s Day during chapel & units are encouraged to consider inviting mothers, or other special adults, to join them for breakfast at their campsite before the service.
- Please let Camporee Staff know if you plan to have guests on Sunday morning.
9:00am Camp teardown & Departure. Please check out with Camporee Staff.
General Camp Rules: Rules are made for the safety of participants, protection of the facility, and to provide fairness to all. Unit leaders are asked to help ensure that safety is maintained at all times.
• All camporee participants and staff must adhere to The Guide to Safe Scouting.
• No firearms, bows & arrows, or ammunition may be kept in the possession of any Scout or Scouter.
• No fireworks of any kind are permitted on camp property.
• The cutting of live trees is NOT permitted.
• Closed toe shoes must be worn in camp at all times.
• Pets are not allowed at camp. Please, for the safety of other campers and the pet, leave them at home.
• No alcoholic beverages or drugs are permitted on camp property. The use of alcohol and controlled
substances are strictly prohibited and is grounds for expulsion from the camporee & the Boy Scouts of America.
• Tobacco use is not permitted in or around campsites or event venues during the camporee. No smoking (including E-Cig) will occur in the presence of youth. Any smoking will be in accordance with all applicable BSA rules and regulations and in the designated area only (behind the Commissary).
• No riding in the back of pick-up trucks.
• The buddy system should be in place at all times.
Fees for the 2023 Central Illinois Spring Camporee are: Youth $15 ($18 if paid after 4/6/23) Adults $8
Arrival: Troops may arrive at Rhodes France starting at 5:00pm on Friday, May 12th. All vehicles should remain parked in the front parking lot. Troop Trailers may be pulled back to the campsites, but for safety reasons, we ask that no additional vehicles are driven through camp.
Check-In: Unit leaders should check in at the Registration Building upon arrival. There you will confirm your unit’s registration status and receive the latest camporee updates. Campsite assignments will be determined prior to the event. Be sure you request your preference for campsites when registering online.
Activities: Units may move from program to program as capacity allows. Scouts must stay with buddies at all times. Adult Leaders must provide adequate supervision to ensure safety for all youth in their unit.
Toilet & Shower Facilities: The Shower House at Rhodes France will be available during Camporee!
Meals: Units are responsible for their own meals during the camporee.
First Aid: Routine, non-emergency first aid is the unit’s responsibility. Major injuries must be reported immediately to the Camporee Health Officer. The Health Office is located in the Administration Building.
Medical Forms: It is each unit’s responsibility to ensure every participant has a current Annual Health and Medical Record (Parts A & B). The camporee staff will verify that these forms are in the possession of the unit leader. Individuals without medical forms will not be allowed to remain at the camporee. All medications, including over the counter and prescription medications, that are brought to camp are the responsibility of the unit leader and must be kept locked in the campsite or a vehicle. Before traveling to the camporee, each youth and adult participant should self-screen to ensure that they are not currently unwell.
Check-Out: Units may depart at 9:00am on Sunday. Staff will inspect your campsite before you leave.
Prior to inspection, please complete the following:
- Ensure the campsite is litter-free
- Restore the campsite to its original (or better) condition
- Pack all gear and be ready to depart
Friday 05-12-2023 5:00 PM CT to
Sunday 05-14-2023 9:00 AM CT Past