2022 Sioux District Fall Camporee

Join us for a Wild West themed Camporee!
October 7, 2022 - October 9, 2022 at Camp Lewallen
Highway K Silva, Mo 63964
Event Flyer! bit.ly/3JHjLrL
Event program details: bit.ly/3xygwOb
This event is for all Troop Scouts and Cub Scouts in Sioux, Shawnee, and Cherokee Districts!
All attendees (scouts, adult scouters, non-scout youth, and non-scout adults) must pre-register on-line to attend. Must preregister by September 2 to be guaranteed an event patch.
Troops will arrive on the evening of Friday October 7 and Cub Packs will arrive on the morning of Saturday October 8. Price is the same whether scouts/adult scouters/non-scout youth/non-scout adults camp one night or two nights.
Patches will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis until the supply is exhausted. Price is the same whether the patch is received or not.
Adult minimum leadership requirements – two per unit
Meals will be coordinated through your units and is not included in the price of registration. Additional fees are payable to units to cover food. Cubmasters and Scoutmasters are strongly urged to collect registration fees payable to council plus the fees needed for food and register all of your scouts on their behalf.
Camp Lewallen
Friday 10-07-2022 5:00 PM CT to
Sunday 10-09-2022 10:00 AM CT Past