2022 Fall Fright Fest
***WALK-INS welcome! Last session leaves at 7:00pm. Please bring exact cash or check****
Sign up for sessions from 3PM to 7PM! Each session is under 2 hours.Start by listening to a classic Halloween story, then hike the spooky trail, get a goody bag, play on the playgrounds, make slime and get into the Halloween spirit.
Bring your costume!
A fun, age-appropriate, but scary activity to add to the Halloween Spirit! Costume's are welcomed but not a requirement. Wear trail appropriate footwear, you will be going through a wooded trail.
For a more timid experience, packs should consider a time during daylight hours. Time slots are located on your right hand side for quick reference, click on the Registration button in the middle of the page to create your units registration.
Carpooling is encouraged, Sorry, no walk-ins accepted. Expect to spend 2 hours to finish your Fright Fest experience.
Groups will begin every 15 minutes.
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
3:00 PM CT to 3:15 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 3:15pm-3:30pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
3:15 PM CT to 3:30 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 3:30pm-3:45pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
3:30 PM CT to 3:45 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 3:45pm-4:00pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
3:45 PM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 4:00pm-4:15pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
4:00 PM CT to 4:15 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 4:15pm-4:30pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
4:15 PM CT to 4:30 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 4:30pm-4:45pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
4:30 PM CT to 4:45 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 4:45pm-5:00pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
4:45 PM CT to 5:00 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 5:00pm-5:15pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
5:00 PM CT to 5:15 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 5:15pm-5:30pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
5:15 PM CT to 5:30 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 5:30pm-5:45pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
5:30 PM CT to 5:45 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 5:45pm-6:00pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
5:45 PM CT to 6:00 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 6:00pm-6:15pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
6:00 PM CT to 6:15 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 6:15pm-6:30pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
6:15 PM CT to 6:30 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 6:30pm-6:45pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
6:30 PM CT to 6:45 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 6:45pm-7:00pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
6:45 PM CT to 7:00 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 7:00pm-7:15pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
7:00 PM CT to 7:15 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 7:15pm- 7:30pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
7:15 PM CT to 7:30 PM CT Past
Fall Fright time 7:30pm-7:45pm
Cub World at Beaumont Scout Reservation
Saturday 10-15-2022
7:30 PM CT to 7:45 PM CT Past