2020 Parent and Pal
Event Details

Parents, it’s time to make some memories with your Scouts as they catch their first fish, hit their first bulls-eyes, and explore the adventure and fun of the outdoors during Parent & Pal 2020. Programs will include Cub favorites like archery, BBs, fishing, and more!
August 2020 update:
- Check in, from 8:15-8:45am will be contact free, we will take your temperatures and check that you are registered, but there will be no exchanging of materials, so if you would like to have a map/schedule in hand, please print the one attached and bring it with you.
- Your group is 10 total people (including parents) and there are five groups rotating through camp.
- Every time you enter and leave a station, please use hand sanitizer or wash your hands.
- Everyone must wear a mask properly over nose and mouth while traveling with and doing program with your group (except in the pool).
- All buildings are closed except the adult bathrooms beneath the trading post, and the youth bathrooms in the pool shower house. Latrines throughout camp are open.
- Inclement weather: if it rains, we will continue with program, but if there is thunder/lightening or heavy rain, we will have to pause programs and seek shelter under pavilions.
- Camping, if you intend to camp, please respond back to this email to get your campsite. Just let me know if you intent to stay Friday, Saturday, or both nights.
- Refunds: The Funday will not include meals, craft supplies, shirts and patches, so the fee per participant has been adjusted to $15 per person, down from $50. You will receive a refund for the difference of what you paid a few weeks after the event.
- Lastly, if you or your child has been sick or exposed to someone who is sick in the last 10 days, do not come to camp.
When & Where