Mississippi Order of the Arrow Gathering
Annual Mississippi OA GatheringHosted by Sebooney Okasucca Lodge 260 Come enjoy great food, outdoor activities, and fellowship with arrowmen & women from around the state. From zip lines to awesome patch trading, lodge competitions to shooting sports, and lots of free stuff! |
When: 9/21/24 @ 12 Noon - 9/22/24 @ 12:30 PM
- Host Lodge (Sebooney Okasucca 260) Members will not be dismissed until 1:30 PM
Where: Hood Scout Reservation
Cost: $42
Late Registration Fee of $6 after 9/13/24.
Registration Closes 9/17/24 @ 12 Noon
Registration fee includes 1 Event Patch.
Additional items available at registration checkout:
Blue Ghosted Event Patch $5
Red Ghosted Event Patch $5
Host Lodge (Sebooney Okasucca 260) Event Flap $6
Host Lodge (Sebooney Okasucca 260) Ghosted Event Flap $6
** Early Bird Discount: 10% off merchandise through 8/23/24 **
Participants will need the following:
Field Uniform with sash
Activity Uniform
Tent or hammock and sleeping gear
Annual Health & Medical Form (Parts A & B)
Hood Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-21-2024 12:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-22-2024 1:30 PM CT Past