OA Tantamous Lodge Induction Weekend Nobscot
Come Join the Tantamous Lodge for May 2023 Induction Weekend at Nobscot.
This event is for those who lived the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and have been elected by their unit to be a Candidate for the Order of the Arrow. The Ordeal is the next step in their Order of the Arrow journey. This is also for those who have started their journey and completed six months of membership since their Ordeal (Brotherhood Candidates).
And, of course, all other current Order of the Arrow members are welcome to attend.
This event will use CampDoc for health information.
As of January 1, 2023 CampDoc information will need to be updated and confirmed including YPT expiration date for adults. Please log into your CampDoc account and complete the required information.
Nobscot Scout Reservation
Friday 05-19-2023 6:00 PM ET to
Sunday 05-21-2023 11:00 AM ET Past