Terror Woods Haunted Trail
Event Details

Terror Woods is a haunted trail event open to the public held every Saturday evening in the month of October. There will be two main attractions:
- The "spooky" trail, intended for youth 10 years or younger ($15)
- The "scary" trail, intended for youth and adults age 11+ ($20)
There will also be food trucks, community vendors, and activities available.
Tickets for both trails will be purchased in advance. Walk-ins will be accepted each weekend to those willing to wait for an available start time. Walk-ins will not be accepted if a weekend is sold out.
Terror Woods is operated by local BSA Troops, Packs, and other BSA-affiliated groups. If you're interested in hosting a station on the trail, contact event organizer, Tom Wagner, at twbc@baltimorebsa.org.
The following items are prohibited to bring to Terror Woods:
- Firearms and other weapons
- Long, fixed-blade knives
- Alcohol, cannabis, or other drugs
- Explosives
- Backpacks, satchels, and other bags (clear bags are OK)
- Food or drink, with the exception of water
When & Where
Weekend One
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-07-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Two
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-14-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Three
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-21-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Four
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-28-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-07-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Two
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-14-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Three
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-21-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past
Weekend Four
Camp Oest
Saturday 10-28-2023
6:00 PM ET to 11:00 PM ET Past