Orienteering Day
Event Details

46th Annual
Orienteering Day
Saturday, October 22, 2022
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
This is for Scouts BSA, Girl Scouts, or Venturers who are age 10.5 or older.
Cost: $4.00 per participant
$2.00 per person per night to camp
Each youth must come with at least one buddy to participate (buddy must be another youth)
Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation
Camp Finney
4440 Flintville Road
Whiteford, MD 21160
This event has concluded. Please head on over to https://scoutingevent.com/220-23orienteeringday to register for our 2023 event!
See the attachment section to the right for the following attachments:
Orienteering Flyer
Leader Memo from Dave Linthicum
Orienteering Schedule Pg 1 & Pg 2
BBQ Chicken Flyer
When & Where