BSA Climbing Level 1 Instructor Training 2022
BSA Climbing Level 1 Instructor Training
Purpose: Provide training for people who are interested in teaching Scouts how to climb and rappel at the Unit, District, or Council level. This group might include those interested in becoming Climbing Merit Badge Counselors, Camp Staff and Scouters. Scouters who work with troops and teach climbing are required to be "Qualified Instructors" prior to teaching any climbing / rappelling activities, and Scouters who would like to help run the Broad Creek tower must be trained on our tower specifically. *Must be 18+ to recieve Climbing Instructor Level I certification or 16+ to become a Climbing Instructor in Training*
Online Prep Session: April 21, 2022 - 7 PM
Practical: April 30, 2022- 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Online Prep Session link:
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Meeting ID: 864 3975 4387
Passcode: 487714
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Meeting ID: 864 3975 4387
Passcode: 487714
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Thursday 04-21-2022
12:00 AM ET to 11:59 PM ET Past
Camp Saffran
Saturday 04-30-2022
12:00 AM ET to 11:59 PM ET Past