2024 WFA/CPR Nov. 16 @ Council Service Center
Event Details

WILDERNESS FIRST AID and CPR/AED at Quivira Council Koch Service Center
Saturday, Nov. 16 ( Morning CPR only, if needed) 8am-10am
Saturday, Nov. 16 (Wilderness First Aid)10am-6pm
The course is a fun academic and practicum, with field-training experience. Adult CPR/AED is a pre-requisite and will be offered on Saturday morning for those who do not have a current Red Cross, ECSI, or AHA certification in CPR/AED.
WFA is recommended for BSA activities in remote back country settings where emergency response is more than 30 minutes away and meets BSA National High Adventure requirement (Philmont, Summit, Canoe Base & Sea Base) to have at least one trek participant “trained and certified in Wilderness 1st Aid.”
Course is open to registered Adults & Youth (14 years and older)
Saturday morning ONLY, 8:00am - 10:00am CPR/AED, for those who need it.
Wilderness First Aid: will begin on Sat., 10:00am – 6:00pm
$75 fee for WFA and $35 fee for Adult CPR/AED - listed as an OPTION on WFA Participant registration. Fee includes texts, workbook, handouts, activity materials, a 2-year certificate, and Saturday lunch. (Register for CPR/AED only if you don’t have a current certificate or just want to renew a current one now).
Pre-registration is required!
Last day to register online – Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024.
Class Size is limited to 24 in total!
Please bring a pen/pencil, note paper. BSA uniform is recommended as this is a Scouting event. Please let us know ahead of time if you have any special dietary needs – as well as making note of it on the participant information. Find form on this page, to the right.
IMPORTANT: Be sure you include your email in your registration! A participant letter will be e-mailed the week before to those for whom we have e-mail addresses.
More Questions? - Contact:
Lary Hill 316-733-1496 lmhill47@gmail.com
Alex Schmitt 620-708-1637 alex.schmitt@scouting.org
When & Where