2022 Leader 101 Training (formerly Prairie Primer)
2022 Leader 101
Fall Training
Sat., November 19 Hosted by WB District
Calvary United Methodist Church, 2525 N. Rock Rd. Wichita, KS
The Prairie Primer Fall Training is first & foremost an ALL SCOUT LEADER TRAINING! It will be a one-day training event that offers many of the basic courses you need as a Scout Leader for all programs. Come and pick up a class or two!
Youth Protection Y01, Scoutmaster / Cubmaster Specifics, Crew Advisor Training, my.scouting training, Online Event Registration, Recharter Training, Online Advancement, Pack / Troop Committee Trainings, COR Training, Merit Badge Counselor, Venture Board of Review, Commissioner Training, "Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops Module One—Unit Organization", Cub Den Leader, Crew Committee & Chair
(Life to Eagle Workshop is also being offered in conjunction with the 2022 PLeader 101 Fall Training with a separate registration and fee in Black Pug.)
Registration is: 7:30 am - 2:00pm ● Workshops: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
$5.00 per Adult Leader ♦ LAST DATE TO REGISTER – Sat., Nov. 12.
Refunds are not available – we must have you registered for the event if you plan to participate so we can have the resources and supplies needed to do the classes.
Online payment is made by credit card or electronic check only.
Would you like more information? Please contact ….
Event Coordinator Wanda Roehl wanda.roehl@outlook.com 316-685-4718 (H) / 266-6326 (W)
Dist. Exec. Alyssa Powers-Williams alyssa.powers-williams@scouting.org 316-491-2229