Coronado Area Council - Kansas Proud Camporee Sponsored by the Kansas Army National Guard

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Kansas Proud Camporee Sponsored by the Kansas Army National Guard

Event Details

The Kansas National Guard is proud to announce NATIONAL GUARD DAY AT BROWN!!!!! 

The KS NG is welcoming all older Scouts (Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers) to come and learn about what the National Guard does. 

In the morning the Guard will assist with Merit Badges and in the afternoon Scouts will get to see static displays of trucks and more. At night we will have a movie. 

The merit badges to be offered are as follows: Citizenship in the Nation, Truck Transportation, Orienteering, First Aid, and Emergency Preparedness. They will be taught concurrently each time period so a scout can participate in at least three MB sessions over the course of the day. Scouts can choose to take a free period to have more time at statics.

When & Where
Brown Memorial Camp
Friday 08-13-2021 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 08-15-2021 11:00 AM CT Past
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