Lincoln Heritage (Dubois County) Cub Scout Day Camp 2024

Cub Scout Day Camp 2024
Ten, Nine… Three, Two, One, BLAST OFF! Get ready for an amazing week of cosmic science, boundless crafts, phenomenal friendships, and infinite FUN!
Who: All Scouts available should sign up to attend. This is a unique experience that they won’t want to miss! Non-scouts and extraterrestrials are welcome but will require an adult to attend.
What: Bring a Water Bottle, Sack Lunch, Sun Screen, Towel, Close-toed Shoes(Required for Shooting Sports), Snacks, Wear clothes you are willing to get wet(pack a dry set for the ride home), Trading Post Money(Optional), and a Water Bottle.
Where: Just head to the Milky Way, turn right at the Big Dipper, Third Rock from the Sun! But, if you are already on earth we will be at the Dubois County 4H Fairgrounds.
When: Early registration including a cost discount until 5/5/24. Regular price registration available until 5/27/24. Camp dates and times are listed below.
June 4th-6th Check-in; 7:30 am C/8:30 am E
Program; 8 am C/9 am E to 2:30 pm C/3:30 pm E
June 7th Check-in; 12:30 pm C/1:30 pm E
Program; 1 pm C/2 pm E to 6:30 pm C/7:30 pm E
Stay up-to-date on the latest Day Camp information at
Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds
Tuesday 06-04-2024 7:30 AM CT to
Friday 06-07-2024 6:00 PM CT Past