National Capital Area Council - STEM University

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STEM University

Event Details

The NCAC STEM Committee is hosting STEM University on June 9, 2018 at MTC in Reston, VA!

The event includes a youth science fair, cub scout activities led by Venture Scouts & Boy Scouts, and adult leader trainings on STEM. 


Who should attend? 

All Scouting leaders

  • Do you want to learn about the Nova Awards?
  • Do you want to know how to get your unit started with the STEM program? Send the parents and unit leaders!
  • Would you like to know where to go for STEM info? How to find out about STEM events around Council? 
  • Are you looking for guidance on how to organize a STEM event on the unit or district level?

All youth

  • Bring a display of your science project - we are hosting NCAC's first science fair! This can count for many of your Nova requirements - to participate in a local science fair.  
  • Cub Scouts: the activities include requirements towards the new Nova Award, Fearful Symmetry!
  • Boy Scouts & Venture Scouts: may volunteer to help the adult Nova Counselors guide the Cub Scout activities during the hands-on portion. Email us if you are working on your Thomas Edison, Sally Ride or Wright Brothers' req 6 or Bernard Harris req 7 and need a place to present to a Cub Scout Den!

Schedule (adults): 

10:30 - 11:30AM: visit youth Einstein's Science Fair

11:30 - 12PM   Opening Ceremony

12 - 12:45PM   Lunch

12:45 - 1:45 PM: Period 1 class  (Trainings include:  BSA STEM Roadmap to Success | STEM in Cub Scout Advancement | STEM & Special Needs)

1:55- 3:25PM : Period 2 class (Trainings include: Supernova Mentor & Nova Counselor Training, Hands-on Science Experiments, Large STEM Event Planning)

3:30 - 3:45PM: Q&A and Wrap-Up 


Schedule (youth): 


10:30AM - 11:30: NCAC Einstein's Science Fair 

All youth are welcome to bring a poster board and present their science project! This activity also supports the requirement in many Supernovas to participate in a science fair. Please see the Science Fair guidelines attached, on the right column of this page.

11:30AM - 12PM   Opening Ceremony

12 - 12:45PM   Lunch

12:45 - 3:30PM:  Hands-on STEM Activities (includes requirements towards the new Nova Award Fearful Symmetry!)

3:30PM: Youth return to main hall for closing 

Registration: Everyone is welcome!

Adults: We have structured the agenda so that you can walk in only having heard the acronym STEM, but will leave prepared to bring this program to your district. You may select one class for each period during online registration. 

Cub Scout Youth: In the online registration, you will select if you plan to present at the science fair, only want to attend the hands-on activities, or do both. 

Boy Scout & Venture Scout Youth: In the online registration, you will register as Youth Staff. Then please select if you only plan to present at the science fair, only want to serve as staff for the Cub Scout activities, or do both. 


Event Details

  • Uniforms: Scouts and Scouters should wear Class A uniform. 
  • Food: Everyone should bring their own snacks and lunch to enjoy during lunch hour.  

  • Location: Microsoft Technology Center | 12012 Sunset Hills Rd| Reston, VA 20190
  • Questions? Email us!

When & Where
STEM University
Microsoft Technology Center
Saturday 06-09-2018
10:45 AM ET to 3:30 PM ET Past
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