Prince William/Burke Lake 2025 Klondike Derby
Prince William and Burke Lake Districts
2025 Klondike Derby
***Note: We've hit our limit on units registered for the event. Contact Vince Bonifera at if your unit is interested in attending and would like to be put on the waitlist. If you started a registration but have not paid yet, also contact Vince to complete your registration.***
The Prince William and Burke Lake Districts will host a Klondike Derby at Camp William B. Snyder in Haymarket, VA on January 24-26, 2025.
When: January 24-26, 2025
Where: Camp William B. Snyder, 6100 Antioch Rd, Haymarket, VA 20169
Who: All Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturing BSA youth and leaders. Registration is prioritized for units within the Prince William and Burke Lake Distrcts. Maximum capacity may be limited to 350 total youth and adults.
Cost/Registration: $20 Youth, $20 Adults, non-refundable, day only or full weekend. Registraion closes Tuesday, Jan 21th.
All payments must be made here online - cash and checks will not be collected at the event. All units should also notify the Klondike Planning team via Basecamp with approximate attendee counts.
Food: All meals are "on your own"
Program: This is a fantastic opportunity for Scouts meet for a day-long, patrol-level competition of scout skills, individual knowledge, teamwork, and ingenuity. The object is simple: patrols earn gold for Scout Skills, Scout Spirit, and Patrol Cooperation while having fun in the wintery cold. Patrols use a map and station list to determine which competitions they want to try. Each patrol plans its route, selects the stations it will attempt, and budgets it’s time to maximize its winnings. See station descriptions below.
1 Fast Fire - For time, build a fire and start a fire with matches to burn a rope suspended over the fire pit
2 Nuclear Reactor Recovery - For time, using bungie cords, successfully move 'radioactive material' in a tin can to a new location.
3 Build a Snow Flake - Using knots and lashings, build a rope snowflake between dowels
4 ALOWS/Spiderweb - Send 6 Scouts through the rope spider web without touching the rope
5 Megaclove - Tie a clove hitch around a tree without getting any closer than 10' from the tree
6 Team Ski - With 6 Scouts, complete a ski course on a single pair of skis in less than 10 minutes
7 Chilkoot Scales - Separate Backpack gear between 10 Essentials, Justified, and Non-Essential
8 Knot Kim's Game - Examining 8 knots for 60 seconds, recreate the knots from memory
9 Clean Hands - Build a camp gadget wash station.
10 Yukon Shortcut - Display proper technique, as a patrol, to conduct an ice rescue
11 Match Maker - Using a hatchet in an axe yard, split 10 matches, one at a time, in the least amount of swings
12 Survey Says - Using a compass and orienteering skills, determine magnetic direction and measurements of height and length
13 Hooked on Scouting - Lash staves together to form a fishing pole, attach line and hook to catch a 'fish' from a frozen lake
14 Yukorn Hole - Every Scout in the patrol gets to throw three cornhole bags; the top three Scouts' scores are combined for a total score
15 Patch Perfect - Patrols work together to design next year's patch