UMES Merit Badge College

No Registration Needed
When: Saturday, February 1, and Saturday, March 1, 2025. Scouts must attend and be an active participant in both sessions to complete the selected Merit Badges. There may also be additional work outside of class to finish all requirements.
Where: University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 11868 College Backbone Rd, Princess Anne, MD (Engineering & Aviation Sciences Complex)
Time: 9am until 4pm (Check-in Opens at 8:15am)
Cost: $32 per Scout ($5 Late Fee if registered after 12/31/2024)
Pre-Order lunches for both dates can be purchased for an extra $25 per lunch at the time of registering (provided through the University). If not, Scouts and Adults are welcome to pack their own lunch.
There are only 300 available spots- DON’T MISS IT!!!!!
We will continue to update the schedule and class attendee counts (in the attachement section) as additional MB Counselors are secured.
This is a CLASS A event. All Scouts and Scout Leaders should demonstrate their Scout Spirit in word and deed. Please wear your uniform.
Cell Phones - A Scout is Courteous - If you must have a cell phone, set it to silent/vibrate. Demonstrate respect for the instructors and other classmates and do NOT make or take calls or text messages during class time.
Prerequisite information and course can be found in the class catalog - links are on this page. It is the Scout's responsibility to be familiar with and complete any prerequisite, project or other outside work prior to the MBC and present the work or evidence to the counselor. A note from the Scoutmaster or a signed prior partial MB Card may be useful in this. The Merit Badge Counselor has the discretion to determine if the Scout has met the requirements.
The Merit Badge College is an opportunity to learn from subject matter experts in career or lifelong hobby subjects. We seek out experts in areas that may be difficult for you to find such as Aviation or Forestry.
Pick a Merit Badge
From the Course Catalog, you can select a number of Merit Badges that you have an interest in taking. We expect that you will talk to your Scoutmaster and parents about which badge to take. But in the end, we expect you to select a topic that you truly wish to learn about. Don't let rank advancement be the only consideration.
Consider Your Age
While there is not an age or grade requirement for any merit badge, certain classes at the MBC are recommended for older Scouts. In the short duration of a single day, the nature and amount of material covered in these classes will possibly make it difficult for a younger Scout to keep up. This can slow the pace of the class and the class will not complete in the intended material. We want you to enjoy what you do here so you will do it well. (Note: The DMVC Advancement Committee has given guidance for us to limit participants in the new Citizenship in Society MB at MB Colleges to those Scouts who are 14 to 17 years old for this calendar cycle. The Counselor instructions for the badge require that class sizes be exceptionally small and that participants in each class be within a 2 year age range.)
Getting Ready for MBC Day
We do not guarantee that you will complete any badge. Many MB classes will have published a list of pre-requisites. These are requirements that you should complete before MBC day. When you complete them, bring all material to class with you such as notes, pictures, writings, reports, letters. It is up to you to make sure that you complete every requirement. Even if they are not listed, some requirements may by their nature not be doable in a classroom. You should at least attempt to complete these before the MBC. If you can do this, then you will get the most out of the workshop.
Blue Merit Badge Cards - Instructions for printing cards can be found in the attachment section of this page.
You will be able to print class records and blue cards following the second session of MB College. Counselors will post records in the event registration system. Each Scout should discuss their merit badge selections with their Scoutmaster before registering for the event as your registration indicates you have approval for taking the class. Counselors are not required to keep offline records. Some will but some will not.
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Saturday 03-01-2025 8:00 AM ET to
Friday 10-31-2025 4:00 PM ET
Saturday #1
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Saturday 02-01-2025
8:15 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past