LEAD 2020

Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.)
Be the Best Scout Leader You Can Be
Join your Fellow Scouters on January 25, 2020, from 8am to 5pm, for a complete day of learning, fun and experience.
L.E.A.D. is Mt. Diablo Silverado Councils' ultimate training event for Scout Leaders, Parents, Venturers and Senior Scouts.
L.E.A.D. offers over 140 classes across 5 colleges:
- Cub Scouts
- Scouts BSA
- Venturing
- Outdoor Education
- Continuing Education
The day is broken up into 6 sessions. Some classes are 1 session, others, such as CPR certification, are 3 sessions, while even others, like position specific leader training can cover all 6 sessions.
Are you NEW to Scouting? Well, we have classes for you!
- Merit badge counselor training
- Position specific training and Den leader training
- Cub Scouting 101, Scouts BSA 101, Gear 101
- Lion Cubs 411, Webelos 411
- Scout book, how to
- Den chief training
Are you an EXPERIENCED Scouter and want to learn some new skills, learn how to work with your youth more efficiently, and/or learn how to increase the FUN in Scouting? Well, we have classes for you too!
- STEM for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturers
- Where to go Camping, Hiking or Backpacking in Northern California or beyond
- Religious Emblem programs
- High adventure camps, National Jamborees, and World Jamborees
- Cooking - Dutch oven, portable meals, and alternative cooking methods
- Pinewood derbies, Campfires, and Team Building games
- Basics - Boards of reviews, unit finance, and retention
Register early and bring a friend for a "Great Day of Scouting"!!! Learn, Explore and Enjoy!
ONLINE REGISTRATION (before 1/22/2020) - $45/adult, $20/youth
DAY-OF REGISTRATION (cash or check only) - $75/adult, $35/youth
Questions: Contact Wendy LaBerge, L.E.A.D 2020 Course Director, at
WendyScoutsBSA@gmail.com or 707-246-6438.