Volunteer & Community Recognition Ceremony

Volunteer Recognition Reception
This is the premier event of the year for the Mobile Area Council. On this one night, the entire Scouting family comes together to celebrate the impact and service of all of our volunteers in the Council, and in particular, those who have made an outstanding impact in 2023.
We will be celebrating The Silver Beaver, Whitney M. Young Service Award, Elbert Frewell, Vale la Pena and the North Star award honorees. These awards is the highest honor and recognition a volunteer can receive from the local council. Silver Beavers are recognized for their extraordinary volunteer contribution to both Scouting and the community at large.The North Star is presented to non registered volunteers who have made a significant contribution to Scouting on the same level as the Silver Beaver Award, which is for registered volunteers who serve at the unit, district, and council level and have been nominated by others. The Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award recognizes outstanding service by an adult individual or by an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds. The Elbert k. Fretwell award is presented to an Outstanding Educator who instill Scouting values in their students. The Vale la Pena award recognizes the outstanding service by an adult or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic/Latino youth. This is our Council’s best opportunity to say thanks publicly to some very special people who do so much for Scouting, and the local community.