Suwannee River Area Council - Welcome


Event Details


North Florida Fairground

November 2-12, 2023

The North Florida Fair has partnered with the Suwannee River Area Council this year for an awesome recruiting extravaganza at the 2023 Fair.

The Fair has graciously donated booth space in the marketplace building for SRAC to promote Scouts BSA in the area. The goal of this is to outreach to the attendees that reside in many of our SRAC communities from the Florida and Georgia areas. We hope from this effort that we will be able to rally more scouts to Packs, Troops, and even Crews that want to join!

To make this happen, we are calling on all units to sign up to volunteer to work at the SRAC Booth at the fair. What better way to recruit new scouts, than to have scouts there at the fair promoting Scouts BSA! Plus, think of all the recruiter strips that are going to be earned and handed out for our scouts to wear. We have provided a handy signup spreadsheet that units can access to sign up to work the booth. Please only plan to have 4-5 scouts working at one time at the booth. This means if several from your pack are attending, you may want to shift around times for scouts to be at the booth during your unit’s shift. We want to make sure we can maximize marketing by scouts and space for people to stop and learn.

The fair starts Thursday, November 2nd and goes on until Sunday, November 12th. Operating hours for the Fair are from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm during weekdays and 12:00 noon to 11:00 pm for Saturday and Sunday (plus November 10th).

We do ask that Troop and Crew units try to keep the earlier evening shift and day hours for Packs, if possible. It will be late night times, so we ask those late-night hours to be reserved for our older scouts in Troops and Crews or Registered Adults from units.

To signup follow this link. If you have any questions or need more information please reach out to Jonathan Hutto,, or Robbie Jones,

Let’s make the 2023 Fair promotion a great success and “Scout In” lots more youth into the wonderful world of Scouts BSA!

Hosted by: SRAC, SR
When & Where
When: 10-19-2023 7:00PM to 9:00PM