Kon Wapos Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) Meeting

Held monthly on the third Sunday from 5:00-6:00pm central time, the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) is the organizational meeting for youth leaders and adult advisers of Kon Wapos Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Scouting's National Honor Society. All dues-paid OA members are invited to attend, and chapter officers and advisers are especially encouraged to do so. This group plans the service (fix-it) days, unit elections, call-out ceremonies, induction weekends, support of weekend events and summer camp operations, and leadership training which Kon Wapos Lodge conducts on an annual basis.
For more information please contact Lodge Chief Mydasia Zipperer (chief@konwapos.org) and/or Lodge Adviser Mike Mailand (mike.mailand@konwapos.org). Thank you! WWW

Hosted by: BLC
Where: Zoom
Zoom, WI
Mike Mailand: Lodge Adviser