Bay-Lakes Council - 2025 Pope Pius XII Emblem Retreat

2025 Pope Pius XII Emblem Retreat

Event Details

Pope Pius XII Emblem Retreat 2025

Christ Pond Retreat Center
N1599 Highway 57
Random Lake, Wi. 53075

Cost is $120.00 per Scout or Venturer

Designed for ages 15-17 year old, and all registered Scouts (in high school, before their 17th birthday) are eligible.

You will be expected to:

• Attend the Emblem Retreat sessions and as a Venturing Crew Member/Scout, the candidate is expected to actively share in group discussions and complete all interviews, meetings and activities.
• Actively work on the activities. All prerequisite work, journal entries, reports, and written work should be legible and neat.
• Be prepared to share experiences at the Board of Review.
• Successful completion of this event means that you leave with Pius XII Emblem.

Cost is $120.00 per Scout or Venturer and includes food and lodging. Please R.S.V.P. by February 15, 2025. Direct questions to Bill Korducki at (262) 210-6171 or email

At the end of the weekend you will have earned your emblem.

Hosted by: BLC, GW, HW, KC, LS, LL, NL, TL, VY, EXPNo, EXPSo, MCM
When & Where
When: 03-07-2025 7:00PM to
          03-09-2025 12:00PM
