2025 Pope Pius XII Emblem Retreat

Pope Pius XII Emblem Retreat 2025
Christ Pond Retreat Center
N1599 Highway 57
Random Lake, Wi. 53075
Cost is $120.00 per Scout or Venturer
Designed for ages 15-17 year old, and all registered Scouts (in high school, before their 17th birthday) are eligible.
You will be expected to:
• Attend the Emblem Retreat sessions and as a Venturing Crew Member/Scout, the candidate is expected to actively share in group discussions and complete all interviews, meetings and activities.
• Actively work on the activities. All prerequisite work, journal entries, reports, and written work should be legible and neat.
• Be prepared to share experiences at the Board of Review.
• Successful completion of this event means that you leave with Pius XII Emblem.
Cost is $120.00 per Scout or Venturer and includes food and lodging. Please R.S.V.P. by February 15, 2025. Direct questions to Bill Korducki at (262) 210-6171 or email Bill.Korducki@gmail.com.
At the end of the weekend you will have earned your emblem.

Hosted by: BLC, GW, HW, KC, LS, LL, NL, TL, VY, EXPNo, EXPSo, MCM
03-09-2025 12:00PM